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Historical Horse Racing Bill Passes in KY

After a lengthy debate on the House floor, SB 120 passed the Kentucky State House with a 55-38 vote. The bill changes the definition of pari-mutuel to allow historical horse racing machines to be included after a Kentucky Supreme Court decision deemed they were not.

In their September decision, the state Supreme Court suggested that lawmakers change the state’s definition of pari-mutuel wagering to specifically include historical horse racing games if the legislators intended for historical horse racing to continue in Kentucky. This legislation does just that.

Governor Beshear has been vocal in his support of the horse industry and historical horse racing and its positive impacts on our state. He is expected to sign the bill once it hits his desk.

The Kentucky Harness Horsemen’s Association would like to thank the legislators who voted ‘yes’ on this bill. Also, thank you to everyone that reached out to let them know how important this bill was to the horse industry. Its passage will certainly continue to grow our industry. In Standardbred racing it has already helped fuel our purses, add race tracks, grow our fair program, add money and legs to the Kentucky Sire Stakes program, along with bringing more mares to board at our farms, and a new stallion bonus has added quality stallions.



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